Historical returns are no guarantee of future returns. The money invested in the fund can both increase and decrease in value, and it is not certain that you will receive back the entire invested capital.


Fund management company for TIN New Technology (TIN Ny Teknik) and TIN World Tech is Teknik Innovation Norden Fonder AB (“TIN Fonder”, “The Company”). Carl Armfelt and Erik Sprinchorn are responsible fund managers.


TIN Fonder is a fund management company under the supervision of the Swedish FSA “Finansinspektionen”. The company received clearance for discretionary fund management in November 2019.


The company has an assignment agreement with Harvest Advokatbyrå regarding compliance. Anna Cumzelius is the compliance officer.

Compliance is mandated to ensure the company is following applicable rules and regulation as well as providing necessary information and support so that fund management is conducted within the existing rules and guidelines. Compliance reports directly to the board of directors and CEO.

Risk Control

The company has an assignment agreement with Wahlstedt & Partners regarding external valuation and independent risk control. Responsible for risk control is Tobias Färnlycke. Ola Björke is responsible for external valuation.

Risk control is mandated to examine and follow up on risks arising in the activities comprising operative risks, financial risks and external risks. The risk control function reports directly to the board of directors.

Internal Audit

Leif Lüsch, certified accountant and licensed accountant for financial businesses, is the internal auditor for the Company.

The task of the internal auditor is to evaluate whether the internal control mechanisms, systems and routines in the Company are adequate and effective. Internal audit shall also provide recommendations on measures to improve above functions and audit the implementation of these measures, reporting directly to the board of the Company.

External Audit

Öhrlings Pricewaterhouse Coopers is the Company’s external auditor. The principal auditor is the authorized public accountant Patrik Adolfsson.

The external auditor annually reviews the accounts and internal processes of the Company and reports directly to the board and CEO.

Central Functions

Klara Hanzon is responsible for central functions.


Anna Cumzelius, lawyer at Harvest Law Firm, is the Company’s complaints officer.

Please contact the complaints manager of the company if you feel errors have been made.

Complaints should be directed to: kund@tinfonder.se

Read our complaints handling here: TIN Fonder Hantering av klagomål (Swedish).

Remuneration policy

Read our remuneration policy here: TIN Fonder Ersättningspolicy (Swedish)

Best execution policy

Read our best execution policy here: TIN Fonder Riktlinjer för utförande av portföljtransaktioner och placering av order (Swedish)

Principles for shareholder engagement

Read our shareholder engagement policy here: TIN Fonder Principer för aktieägarengagemang (Swedish)

Read our: Sammanfattning av principer för aktieägarengagemang (Swedish)

Rapport ägarstyrning 2023

Rapport ägarstyrning 2022

Rapport ägarstyrning 2021

Rapport ägarstyrning 2020

Financial Information

Latest Annual Report: the company has not submitted its first annual report.

Information om Marknadssonderingar

In accordance with current market abuse rules (MAR-Market Abuse Regulation), TIN Fonder has appointed two special contact persons for market investigations.

For market sounding, Carl Armfelt and Erik Sprinchorn are contact persons.

Risk information

Historical returns are no guarantee of future returns. The money invested in the fund can both increase and decrease in value and it is not certain that an investor will get back all the invested capital. Further information can be found in the Fund’s fact sheet, information brochure, annual report, and semi-annual report at tinfonder.se

Information on the Swedish Act of Advisory

On July 1, 2004, a new law (2003: 862) was introduced on financial advisory services, the so-called advisory law. Because of the new law, it is important for all unit holders and all potential savers to know about TIN Fonder’s position on this issue. The main task of TIN Fonder is to be an active fund manager. Our funds are mainly marketed to private individuals, legal persons, and institutions. This means that financial advice is not within the scope of TIN Fonder’s operations. Therefore, we will not document customer meetings or record our customer calls, which is a requirement for financial advice. It is important that our unit owners understand that our information is of a more general nature and should be seen as marketing, not advice.


Personal integrity

The Company handles personal information we attain when entering or during a customer relationship.

Read our integrity policy here: TIN Fonder Integritetspolicy (Swedish)


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