News about shares, stock market and technology

3 APR 2024

Hardware is (also) Eating the World

Artificial intelligence, currently the best example of software that impacts (or "eats") the world, also requires massive investments in hardware. AI is born, trained, and thrives in data centers, solid buildings filled with tangible items. Hardware has made a comeback.
Monthly letter
1 APR 2024

Idus Martiae

Data, which is what all AI requires to be trained and become effective, has been called the New Oil. If one is to believe Sam Altman at OpenAI, it is rather computational power ("compute") that is today's most valuable raw material. If you will: sand (silicon) is the new oil.
8 MAR 2024

Q4 Reports for the Top 10 Holdings in TIN New Technology

After a couple of years of declines, especially for Nordic small and mid-sized companies, things had thawed considerably ahead of the reporting period. At the same time, the economy is a concern. How did the largest positions in TIN New Technology perform when the Q4 reports were examined?
Monthly letter
1 MAR 2024

Business-critical software wins

During February, the vast majority of companies presented their results for the fourth quarter and full year of 2023. Similar to many times before, our overall impression was overwhelmingly positive, with the difference that companies delivering strong figures were now also generously rewarded by the stock market. The difference was most evident at the beginning of the month when most of the funds' larger holdings reported. Towards the end of the period, unfortunately, we also had to note some disappointments. Overall, the positive momentum we saw in January continued, and we are pleased with a really strong start to the year.
14 FEB 2024

Insights after the Igaming expo in London 2024

Last year's ICE was very successful, and we returned with insights that supported our continued confidence in both Evolution and Kindred. What are the conditions for further unleashing the innovation power in the Nordic igaming companies
12 FEB 2024

Rebalance profits from global tech giants to Nordic tech companies

American tech giants soar – the Nordics stall. The last few years have been a trial for Nordic tech companies on the stock market, where their mediocre returns are compared to the astonishing performance that American tech giants have delivered to their shareholders. Time for a turnaround?
Monthly letter
1 FEB 2024

January 2024 – The Year of Buyouts?

"As January goes, so goes the year," claims the stock market's farmer's almanac. If this holds true, the end result for 2024 could turn out to be really good, but the journey there might include severe fluctuations, which could be quite challenging. As if the roller coaster of the past few years weren't enough. The market started weak during the first week of the period but recovered the fall during the second week. Only to drop sharply for a few days, before a choppy but strong finish.
30 JAN 2024

Palworld: The game that has turned the gaming world upside down

Every now and then, it happens. A small studio creates a game that becomes a monster hit overnight.
Monthly letter
2 JAN 2024

December 2023 – Happy New Year!

We are now closing our fifth year of operations and looking back on yet another eventful year. A warm thank you to all you shareholders for the trust in managing a part of your investments.
Risk information
Historical returns are no guarantee of future returns. The money invested in the fund can both increase and decrease in value and it is not certain that an investor will get back all the invested capital. Please read Fact Sheets (PRIIP) and prospectuses available on our website or contact a distributor.
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