16 JAN 2024

Investor meeting 2024

On January 16, we met with our fund shareholders at TIN Fonder's annual investor meeting. Present were our CEO Tomas Lundmark and our managers Carl Armfelt and Erik Sprinchorn. Matilda Karlsson moderated and interviewed the CEOs from two of our holdings, Martin Carlesund, CEO of Evolution, and Hannes Wallin, CEO of Fractal Gaming Group.
28 SEP 2022

Market crash. Time for a comeback of New Tech?

The stock market has struggled. In tonights stream we talk about the future for tech companies.
18 MAJ 2022

Downturn in tech. What does the future look like?

The markets have been turbulent and we sort out how tech companies have developed fundamentally.
25 JAN 2022

Visit from Surgical Science and Checkin.com

During this year's AGM, we sit down with the CEO's from Surgical Science and Checkin.com
8 DEC 2021


Is Metaverse just a buzzword or something you can invest in? That, and much more we'll talk about during the stream this evening.
22 SEP 2021

The norwegian tech companies

Today we put some extra focus on tech companies in Norway. Some of the companies mentioned are Pexip, Meltwater, Volue and Airthings.
19 MAJ 2021

Embracer Group

In this stream we put extra focus on Embracer Group. As always, we answer questions from the audience.
27 JAN 2021

Interview with CEO from Paradox Interactive and Storytel

This year we held our AGM at Clarion Sign in Stockholm. Carl and Erik holds a presentation and we interview the CEO from Paradox Interactive and Storytel.
6 OKT 2020

Gaming special with Carl Armfelt

In todays stream we're playing PUBG and talk about gaming and esports. Carl Armfelt, Manager at TIN Fonder is playing with: Shams Jorjani from Paradox Interactive, Simon Sundén from G-loot and Otto Gernandt.
Risk information
Historical returns are no guarantee of future returns. The money invested in the fund can both increase and decrease in value and it is not certain that an investor will get back all the invested capital. Please read Fact Sheets (PRIIP) and prospectuses available on our website or contact a distributor.
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